Tuesday, May 12, 2009

ICE Alumni at Charity Golf Event

The Drive & B-104 has once again teamed up with the Dodge Boys at Cranbrook Dodge to help in the fight against cancer.

The 4th Annual Cranbrook Dodge Charity Golf Classic is Sunday, May 24th at the Cranbrook Golf Club. It's a 1:30pm shotgun start. Proceeds will go to Relay For Life. Our goal this year is an ambitious $16,000.00! Ottawa Senators Head Coach Cory Clouston is going to golf with us this year. Clouston was the Assistant Coach in 2002 for the Kootenay Ice when we won the Memorial Cup! Come and golf with Cory Clouston!

Put your team together now and plan to take part. The Early Bird entry fee of just $99.00 has been extended to May 16. After that, it jumps to $120.00. per person.

There are some great hole-in-one prizes. Cranbrook Dodge is giving you a chance to win two cars. Willow Appliances has kicked-in a $10,000.00 shopping spree. Bedroom Furniture Gallery is donating a Lazy-Boy recliner as a hole-in-one prize as well. And that's not all. Travel Plus is donating a trip (to be named later). And Beachcomber Hot Tubs is donating a hot tub!

Call Kelly at Cranbrook Dodge for details, or, to register, 250-426-6614. Or, email kelly@cranbrookdodge.com