I was lucky enough to be in the early discussions of getting a baseball stadium in Cranbrook and here is an update on the Home Run Society.
The Home Run Society today announced the awarding of their
baseball stadium feasibility study contract to GEC Architecture, who
bring with them over 40 years of experience in developing world class
recreation facilities. GEC is a Calgary-based architectural company
which provides expertise in programming, feasibility studies, and the
design and the development of recreational facilities.
"We are extremely pleased to have retained the services of GEC
Architecture," said Garry Slonowski, President of the Home Run
Society. "They have a proven track record of expertise in recreation
planning and the development of world class facilities."
Some of the notable highlights of GEC's experience are the Pengrowth
Saddledome, Calgary Olympic Speed Skating Oval, and the highly
acclaimed Armstrong-Spallumcheen Arena which was a throwback to an
all-wood design. GEC also has a wealth of experience in master
recreation plans and feasibility studies for clients such as Medicine
Hat, Banff, Canmore, Canada Olympic Park and Max Bell Arena.
"When we started researching companies who could provide this service,
GEC was always at the top of our list," continued Slonowski. "We were
very impressed with the work they recently did for the proposed
Medicine Hat Arena. In fact, the deliverables of our study were
modelled upon the work they did on that study. We felt it was very
thorough and provided a good tool to determine the design,
construction, and operation of a facility that would meet that
community's current and future needs."
The Home Run Society originally proposed the new baseball stadium in a
presentation to Cranbrook City Council in February. The presentation
outlined the goals of the society and provided the rationale for a
building new baseball stadium for Cranbrook.
"A new stadium could open a lot of doors for our community," said
Slonowski. "Whether it's a new franchise or hosting International
tournaments, we feel the community would benefit both intrinsically
and economically."
"We really admire the Okotoks model. They have done an excellent job
in all areas - from building a premiere stadium, right through to
developing a special relationship between the community and their
franchise. They package an exciting product with between-inning
promotions and a first class baseball experience. The games are a
can't miss event for the entire community, and they average over 1500
fans per game."
The feasibility study is scheduled to be conducted throughout the
Winter with the outcomes to be presented to Cranbrook City Council by
GEC Architecture in the Spring.
The funding for the study was provided through the Columbia Basin
Trust Community Initiatives program, which has been instrumental in
helping to move the development process forward.
"We would like to sincerely thank the City of Cranbrook and the
Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) in the support of our goals," said
Slonowski. "It has made a big difference in our project moving from
concept towards reality."
"We would also love to hear from anybody who is interested in
providing their input and experiences on what is needed in a new
community facility. Although it would primarily be used for baseball,
we have always envisioned that the facility could be used for other
activities such as Canada Day celebrations or outdoor concerts. It
would be an absolutely incredible setting for other community
For more information on the project or to get involved, please visit
the Home Run Society's web site: www.homerunsociety.com
Garry Slonowski
President, Cranbrook Baseball Home Run Society